+27 12 661 0155
WCB International

Buying Trips

Handpick Trips

Join us on handpick trips to select your own koi in Japan. Experience the beauty, history and culture of Japan all at the same time. Our staff will organise accommodation hotels transportation and food. All you need to do is get to Japan we will do the rest. During Koi season we will provide a trip for customers to hand select koi from all the breeders we work with. You will be taken around from breeder to breeder choosing to your own koi individual tastes and customer request bring your customers with you. You will see grades of Koi from commercial to high quality bloodlines and show fish.

WCB will be there to assist you or your group on the handpick visit. We will provide pricing of fish packing and shipping as well as whatever advice is needed. Also get the best deals for you.

Koi Seasons are as follows

Tosai Season: This takes place during February – March – April. This is the main season for baby koi, season is generally smaller Koi ranging from 8 to 35cm there is also a large selection of larger koi available.

Nisai Season: This is takes place October to November. This is the season where the two-year-olds are harvested from the mud ponds. A much bigger selection of bigger koi 35 – 60 cm in an abundance. Also, in the South of Japan there will be tosai available as well other bigger sizes.

So come join us in the exciting search for beautiful koi!

Contact us for a booking