Kohaku, Showa and Cream Ogon
Breeder name: Mitsuo Hasegawa
Farm Name: Hasegawa Koi Farm
Place: Ojiya
Main culture: Kohaku
Mitsuo Hasegawa is a contractor and builder of koi houses in the Yamakoshi region. He started breeding Koi as a hobby. Through good friendships with leading breeders, Mr. Hasegawa has gradually become more famous. Hasegawa is a unique breeder due to his aloof lifestyle that few Japanese Koi enthusiasts know about. In Europe he is a lot better known for his unique Hasegawa Kohaku.
In 1982 Hasegawa invested in a kohaku from the "Tomoin" bloodline and a Kohaku from the "Manzo" bloodline. Breeding with the 2 mentioned bloodlines resulted in the unique "Hasegawa Kohaku". Besides Kohaku, Hasegawa also grows Showa and Cream Ogon. Hasegawa's koi belong to the absolute top.
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